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Behind the Scenes at McLean Melody

From the start, we the performers and members at McLean Melody have strived to bring the most seamless and put-together events that we can to our audiences, wherever they may be. This is not to say, however, that we have not had our fair share of difficulties behind the scenes. Our team is quite tight-knit and small, so the workload taken upon by some of us is quite a lot, considering how we must balance schoolwork and other activities. I wanted to write this post to bring some much-deserved attention to three of our busiest bees, our digital outreach director Jacob Xu, vice president and art director Eileen Zou, and of course our president, Claire Ash. Besides managing our social media accounts, a feat quite impressive on its own, Jacob has taken it upon himself to organize rehearsals for our many ensemble pieces. Often this means addressing time conflicts, directing instrument parts, and arranging scores. On the other hand, Eileen spends much of her valuable time creating art for our monthly newsletter and any other projects that require her attention. Claire, our president, writes that newsletter, detailing all the events of that month, along with creating the sign-up sheets that members must fill out to play at a performance. I hope this post gives some of our most treasured members the recognition they deserve, and that all of our members will be properly honored for the time they put into this endeavor.